A Letter from Meadowsweet
Hello Friends,
As you may have gathered from reading our mission statement, we are committed to continue improving our knowledge and findings surrounding arboriculture so that we may share with others.
We look forward to communicating the progress of our projects with you. We also recognize the importance of providing accessible resources, awareness and prevention for diseases and other threats to our trees, and the knowledge to maintain their health.
It is the responsibility of all to protect and care for this environment that we call home. For Meadowsweet, we are especially passionate about our trees. They are connected, much like humans, building vast, intricate networks, relying on each other for protection, and reaching out to their neighbors for a helping hand when they are unwell.
We’ll use our blogs as a platform to share what we learn, who we are, and ways that we can all contribute and be responsible caretakers. One of the primary reasons we love our great state of Maine is because of its forests. It has upwards of 90% forest coverage, more than any other state. We rely on our trees for a healthy eco-system, the business of forestry, and for countless other reasons. They too rely on us to respect their contributions and protect and maintain their well-being.
We’re excited to share our journey, here’s to building strong connections!